Land for Farms


Land for a photovoltaic or wind farm

Due to the great interest of investors in implementing investments related to renewable energy sources, announcements about the willingness to lease land for a photovoltaic or wind farm are becoming more and more common.

Why is it worth leasing land for RES?
  1. Fixed income – The investor pays the rent for the entire duration of the contract. The rates are good, adapted to the region and the attractiveness of the land. If the land has been lying fallow so far, it starts to bring money, while if it has been cultivated, the owner gains additional time that he needed to farm so far.
  2. Risk on the Investor’s side – most often contracts are concluded in such a way that until the start of construction, the land is still in use by the owner, thanks to which he can continue to benefit from it. In turn, all costs related to the development of the farm construction project are borne by the Investor.
  3. Environmental aspect – throughout the duration of the contract, on the land where the photovoltaic farm is located, the only treatment affecting the vegetation will be periodic grass mowing. This will increase biodiversity and soil quality!
What to look for?

In land lease offers and contracts, attention should be paid primarily to four aspects. Firstly, the term of the contract – it should be less than 30 years. Secondly, rent indexation related to inflation. Thirdly, taxes – the amount of tax on the property on which the farm is located will change. The contract should state that the Investor will finance them. The last aspect is a clear declaration of what will happen to the farm, all components, structures and infrastructure after the end of the contract.

What conditions should the land property meet in order to place a RES investment on it:
  • Area from 2 ha;
  • Medium voltage line or GPZ nearby;
  • Non-flooded area, no Natura 2000 area;
  • Soil class: IV, V, VI;
  • Access to a public road;
  • No LZP or one that takes into account the possibility of erecting a PV and/or wind farm, agricultural and industrial activity;
  • The terrain is almost flat.

If you have a property that meets the above conditions, please contact us. We will analyze the possibility of establishing a wind and/or photovoltaic farm, and in the case of a positive analysis, we will propose terms of cooperation on behalf of the Investor.

Investors interested in acquiring land for the construction of wind and/or photovoltaic farms are invited to visit this website or contact us directly.

Fixed income

Investor Side risk

Environmental Aspect

Are you interested in leasing land for a farm? Contact us, we will help!